Thursday, May 16, 2019

Free Download MyVideoDownloader  3.5.0

Free Download MyVideoDownloader 3.5.0

Download MyVideoDownloader 3.5.0 For Free

MyVideoDownloader is an app that allows you to browse the social network Facebook and download videos hosted on the latter to your Android smartphone

We already know that there are hundreds of apps that can be used to download videos from streaming sites of the likes of YouTube, Vimeo, and others. But, what about social networks? Instagram, Vine or Facebook also host videos in their very own formats that we might want to download to watch them offline.

Application Details

  • Name : MyVideoDownloader
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 3.5.0
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : giannz
That's precisely what MyVideoDownloader for Facebook does, an application that offers us the possibility to browse through the social network and is capable of detecting each one of the videos published on different profiles, whether pages you follow or your friends' profiles.

Regarding how to use this video downloader, you only have to do the following:

Step 1: after installing this app, log into your Facebook account with your username. Step 2: browse your profile, your wall, your friends' timelines... Step 3: whenever you see a video or a GIF animation, click on it. You'll be able to play or download it. GIFs conserve their format and videos are downloaded in MP4.
If you're looking for the latest version of MyVideoDownloader for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download MyVideoDownloader for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.0..

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